Tuesday 25 May 2010


mmmmm well my favorite movie I think is The 'Star Wars', I don't remember when saw but since that saw I never gets tired of seeing. I used to go abouted all the time. From time to time to transmit on tv in channel 13 and I finished glued to it. I liked played with my friends to represented part of the history, we made spaceships and with broomstick we simulated the laser swords with some scenes we knew by heart.

Other movie that really like was Trainspotting. My mom took me to Normandie Cinema and I knew other word (or underworld). With her I began to see Cinearte movies, some movies are very boring and very deeps but others veeeery interesting distants to Hollywood movies. Again we used talk wit my partners in the school, and of the soundtracks.

My friends of the neighborhood show me the animemovies. I really liked two movies 'Devilman' and 'Totoro' very differents. The chilean movies I don't like but yes the spanish movies like 'Todo sobre mi madre' or 'Volver' of Almodovar.

But also I like the 'easy movies' like thouse of Jim Carrey or Batman, also The lord of the ring, etc.


  1. I think the same: cinearte films have subjects very interesting...
    "star wars"! I like it! also I saw in channel 13... is a classic xD...
    see you probably in swimming pool!

  2. No me gusta el cine chileno también.
    Nos vemos pronto en la piscina
